Wednesday, December 29, 2010


That's her name in Ragnarok,Sherrie is such a nice girl *she's also cute too very cute >.<* I love her,then again I love alot of girls can't help it >.< but Sherries one of the best always standing up for her self and her friends,loves having fun whenever she can. I remember when I first meet Sherrie I was helping newbie players back then and she was new with her friend Inha, Sherrie was a knight and Inha was an assassin I was always with Sherrie love being with her well I Loved her,I didn't know she loved me also! But I'm still with Tamma...least I think I am >.< I'm not sure Tammas been missing for months...I'll talk about her some other time.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Something that makes you fell better

It's this great game I love playing when I fell cold an alone,Star Solider Vanshing Earth. I don't know why it makes me fell good I think it's the storyline it's about a robot crystal trying to take over the solor system but first he wants to destroy the shiny blue Earth. The levels on the game are great from earth to space nice music an I love the backgrounds. Getting to the final boss is really hard due to the other bosses with special skills an shooting giant beams at you like there from Dragon ball Z or Gundom.

Game made me cry one time when the final boss killed me *has a timer on how long tell the earth has to live,when the timer hits 0 the boss kills you an then the Earth* it was really sad what the girl said after the earth was destroyed....

Another game that makes me fell better is Sega Streets of Rage 2,the enviroment and the style/scenery in that game is just great! Alittle storyline to the game,Sammy brother has been taken by a guy Mr.X and the gang *Sammy Axel,Blaze,and Max* fight though the streets to save there friend.

I never knew they were Cops Sammys a skater Max is a weasler.
Also the music on that game is good too.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cherry blossoms

Private sever for CherryBlossom is almost done,if only I can make the alchemist better...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wanderer Edit

Wanderer Sprite I want to work on,started off with the first 3 parts of the character an stop there,needed only 3 parts for the program im still working on *ragnarok preview*

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ragnarok Preview

Ragnarok Perview
Usefull tool just like Rate My Sever character simulator,this one is Offline verson an its not the best but it still helps.Iv added more characters such as 3ed job classes an alot of custom sprites an hair styles,don't think ill be able to add more head gears when trying to it just didn't work,some icons you can't click on due to the TRUE owner an his friends didn't complet there program so im kinda doing it. Don't know when ill be done with this.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ragnarok Gunner Sprite

Today I made a custom gunner sprite for my Ragnarok Sever I wanna make one day,I still have to add the rest of the sprites to her but this is it for now,might need to fix the brest more it is way to low.

Hight Priest Edit.

I just hope I can make an not edit sprite like this one day.

Monday, December 20, 2010

About me or Snake

Snake The Hedgehog is to be a funny Teen hedgehog but he's uhhh more like alittle kid on the inside,always trying to have a good time joking with his friends greeting new faces always lending a helping hand,you know a good guy.

Me? Well I wanna be like him but it's hard yah know,real me just stays alone in his room with his pet GinnyPig drawing or gaming or just goes out taking photos of scenery. I don't like being alone much,it's not all that bad it's nice an quite just open the window an listen to the brezz flow in it's nice.

Trying to change who you are is never easy I think it might be better if I stay in my room l on my labtop anyway,the real world is full of bad things >.> an I'm not apart of that...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snake The Hedgehog

Hi,I'm new to this blog stuff,hmmm guess I'll get use to it sooner or later.