Monday, December 20, 2010

About me or Snake

Snake The Hedgehog is to be a funny Teen hedgehog but he's uhhh more like alittle kid on the inside,always trying to have a good time joking with his friends greeting new faces always lending a helping hand,you know a good guy.

Me? Well I wanna be like him but it's hard yah know,real me just stays alone in his room with his pet GinnyPig drawing or gaming or just goes out taking photos of scenery. I don't like being alone much,it's not all that bad it's nice an quite just open the window an listen to the brezz flow in it's nice.

Trying to change who you are is never easy I think it might be better if I stay in my room l on my labtop anyway,the real world is full of bad things >.> an I'm not apart of that...