Saturday, January 01, 2011

Sweet Berry

There is alot of girls I loved in Ragnarok Online I'm trying to pick one to be with but it's so hard!.....I love all of them an they all love me,it's kinda like that old Anime show I use to look at.....what was it again....Tenchi Muyo! But Ranarok style.

For now I'll just talk about the ones I don't see anymore who loved me.

There's to many things to say about Berry she was like an angel and I gotta keep following her tell she tosses me off a cliff. When I first meet Berry she was about to quit, I was on my baby novice I had made a few weeks ago she had a chat box on her saying she can't open her Guild Storage *sever I'm in has alot of buges* me always wanting to help people out as her if she was ok, she started going off about how she trusted this guy to open her account to get her items out of Guild Storage, he did it but also took hem for his self and warped away leving her with nothing. I told her don't quit cause I wanted to help her get everything back but she was sick of everyone betraying her....she gave me the rest of her items saying thanks for talking to me an she was about to log out but I stoped her for a sec saying I'm only holding them tell you come back,she kinda laugh I think saying I'm not coming back I said you will I know it. When she log off I *really* started to cry....that's just how I am...hate losing a friend knowing I'll never see them again.

Few weeks past an she came back but was on a boys account,me sitting under my fav tree shecame to me saying remember me? Iv seen alot of boy player come to me saying remember me... So I said no,then she said cause of you I came back,then I started to think saying your Sweet'Berry??

She laught saying yes, I got happy then though about it,I asked but she's a girl not a boy >.> I need proof,so she got on her girl account an I got super happy and said I told you,you would come back,I gave her stuff back but before I did I told her I wanted her to play as a girl again *playing as someone your not is not cool people...* She didn't want to but I kinda forced her. Some days later we started spending alot of time together we started I guess flirting alot tell months later I came to her with a rare item I someone gave me for no reason lol? It was something her wiz player needed an it made her look royal with it one her head. When dealing it to her I asked if she would marry me and be my girl friend,she really didn't know what to say. All I wanted was Y E S but she was so shocked about it! She was so happy when I asked cause she said so loved me also so we got marryed and she became my girl friend.

More months passed and we was really close to each other I always took her to places I though she would like,like the beach and the heavens *himinn* I though we be together forever tell that day when everything went wrong....

One day Berry made an Assassin Cross character an pmed me,I was always at my tree in prontera waiting for her with my friend elekid. She told me to come to some desert map so I warped to the place she was hiding in a house,we talked for a while then she wanted to take images of each other with our cool looking items on,I didn't see anything weird about it cause IM always taking images of Rangarok scenery an post them on deviant art. After she took her images she asked for my rare hat an wings to take images with her character with them on,so I gave them to her and to be on the safe side I took images of me dealing her my items in case of scamming. Even if you love someone in a game ou still need to be on the safe side an watch ur every move because anything can go wrong...

She took her images with them on then all of a sudden warped away! And log off her account! Me being simple just sitting there waiting for her to long back on *which never happend* just sat there for least 6 hours when she finaly log back on,I hurryed an pmed her *knowing that I got tricked* started asking her what did I do wrong an asked for her forgivness she just clamed she lag out *which i knew was a plane lie...* an she was abot to log off again, I wanted to say something....ANYTHING to make her change her mind cause even tho I got robed by her an I had images to prove it I just loved her to much too get her account banned her lose her. So I said if you wanted to keep my items you could have just asked me cause I'm your boy friend *an I cant help but say yes to anything..* she didn't say anything back and I started to cry begging her to stay with me an I would do anything to be with her. She started talking again saying how can you still love someone who just robed you?! I said it's easy cause my love for you is stronge an I don't want to lose you,I started saying just about anything to make her stay with me but none worked,all she said was sorry an logoff...

Must have been another month when I last seen her I was still thinking about her and didn't know what to do anymore but sit under my fav tree. My friend Elekid called me to play a game he made up an invited some other players who I didn't know so I went. We played a while an it was fun then some players lefted so we just talked for sometime with another guy I didn't know who he was so I didn't pay much to him,then Elekid said you know who that is right? I got alittle lost saying no then the guy said I robed you after we got marryed an lefted you with nothing *lol* I was like....what he hell cause uhhh I'm not gay...sooo like I didn't know what to say,Elekid being a smart *** as always saying he's always this clueless *which was always true >.>* then the guy said IM BERRY and I got shocked saying LIER,the guy had alot of rare items on him and he know every thing that happen to me an berry,it was her she came back,I started crying again an using caps lock on her asking why she did it. She didn't know what to say she knew I was crying an worryed sick about her and all she could say was I'm sorry! I wanted us to start over I said an again she asked why when I scammed you,I said I didn't care all I cared about was you,itemss are not real,love is. We got back together REIT marryed because her other account got banned by someone so I remade her a new account an made the same names she loved,but se was afrade that I would docwha she did to me about the scam thing,all I could say was if I was going to do that I would have been did it and she took my word for it. Again we loved each other least that's what I though. Some months passed I never lefted her side I always tried giving her the best items in the game *none donation ones* I loved her to death an I wanted her trust again but in still didn't have it I guess...I took her to a place I just found an it looked like a park to sit with friends at and it was real nice...she was kn her dancer an I was on my baby wizard *I love baby characters* I had a rare wind that pests you fast attack that I got from my guild master an she wanted to try it on an take images,when she said that I knew she was going to get me again but....I...I still loved her so I gavenit to her an let her warp....then I pmed her an just said why....

She said she did all of it cause if was part of a test she was trying to do in real life for a job of some sort....I didn't really get it and didn't really care all I could say was I still love you an want to be with you. She freaked out an caps me saying I don't get why you want to stay with me even after I robed you yet AGAIN. I caps back an said I LOVE YOU BECAUSE WE BOTH HAVE THE SAME FELLINGS but unlike you I'm no scammer,she got mad,I just said forget it I'll keep waiting for you an went back to my tree...sitting sitting again..

months later Out of all that she came back to me again an finaly stayed together for good nothing happen after that,but one night Elekid pmed me saying Berry quit she busy with some real life problems,I got upset,she lefted me....why? It's been months now sometimes I would log on characters account an my character would sit next to her an wakntell she log on to be with her but she never came....I tried messaging her on a site she's on but I never got any messages back...
She's still gone an I stil love her even tho I have a felling I'll never see her again,I hope she's alive an doing well for her self.

I love you Sweet'Berry I hope to see you and be with you again if your alive I miss you.

I'm sorry this story is so long but this is how it all happend. Everything she did to me I blame my self for,maybe I hurt her some way and that's why she did all that to me,or maybe I just...I just spend to much time with her?

Sweet'Berry&Snake The Hedgehog

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